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Beckfield Behaviour Policy 2023-24

Policy details

Date created: September 2022

Date reviewed: September 2023

Staff consultation: 14.9.22, 5.9.23

Pupil consultation: 18.9.22, 15.9.23

Parent consultation: 12.10.22, 24.11.23

Governor ratification: 12.10.22

To be reviewed: Autumn 2024


Policy details        1

Behaviour policy aims        2

Legal and statutory requirements        2

Definitions        3

Bullying        3

Roles and responsibilities        4

Pupil Code of Conduct        5

Rewards        5

Suspensions and permanent exclusions        7

Behaviour management and restorative work        7

Behaviour linked to equalities        8

Children with Special Educational Needs        8

Transition and new pupils        9

Training and embedding the approach        10

Monitoring / analysis of behaviour        10

Links with other policies        10

Appendices        11

Behaviour policy aims

At Co-op Academy Beckfield we strive to be a place where all children and adults feel safe, happy and successful. We believe that through the consistent application of this policy and a culture of support and guidance, which is fair and restorative, pupils will develop and reach their fullest potential. This policy will set out our high expectations of adults’ and pupils’ behaviour. It is our belief that each pupil should be given Unconditional Positive Regard. Through research evidence and training, staff are able to guide, lead and empower pupils to effectively manage their behaviour using relational approaches. The aims, ethos and values of our behaviour approach are outlined in this policy.

We want to celebrate the individuality of every child in a positive and caring environment, where everyone takes responsibility for themselves and each other. The positive atmosphere and guidance from staff will nurture children’s social, moral and emotional development, rewarding their desire to make good choices, through the Co-op Ways of Being. We aim to support children to understand the positive consequences of their actions and choices beyond the school gates and into adulthood. By working together, child, parent and teacher, every child will achieve their full potential.

Whilst this is a ‘Positive’ Behaviour Policy where desirable behaviour is praised and rewarded, pupils must also be aware that negative behaviour and poor choices carry consequences. We have a zero tolerance approach to harmful sexual behaviour of any kind, and racist, homophobic or any other type of behaviour that discriminates against a person.

At Co-op Academy Beckfield our aim is to provide pupils with the support they need, with extra focus on helping them to understand their behaviour and how they can change that, over time, with the help of staff and the determination of succeeding. It is recognised, by all, that doing this takes time.

However, and more importantly, for this to happen, an enquiry approach is imperative to completely understand the behaviour shown from a particular child. Staff will learn to understand each pupil and get to know them on numerous levels; it is important to identify and recognise childrens’ needs to maximise positive steps and outcomes.

Additionally, it is acknowledged that to enable us to entirely meet the needs of pupils, of which some present with extra needs, it is important that the school is attuned, friendly and nurturing.

It is essential that staff carry out work to co-regulate behaviour whilst providing the skills for pupils to identify their own needs and educate them in order for them to self-regulate and allow for positive changes.

Where needed, staff will carry out work with parents to understand a childs’ needs and difficulties as well as any adverse experiences which will help to provide support and stability in order for their needs to be met.

This policy is used alongside the Supporting Behaviour Handbook 2023-24.

Legal and statutory requirements

This policy is based on advice from the Department for Education (DfE) on:

It is also based on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) code of practice.

·     Schedule 1 of the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014; paragraph 7 outlines a school’s duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, paragraph 9 requires the school to have a written behaviour policy and paragraph 10 requires the school to have an anti-bullying strategy

·     DfE guidance explaining that academies should publish their behaviour policy and anti-bullying strategy online

This policy complies with our funding agreement and articles of association.


Unwanted disruption is defined as:

  • a minor breach of the Pupil Code of Conduct (see below)

Serious adverse behaviour is defined as:

  • Repeated / serious breaches of the Pupil Code of Conduct
  • Assault/causing harm to another person
  • Swearing
  • Any form of bullying
  • Sexual assault/violence, which is any unwanted sexual behaviour that causes humiliation, pain, fear or intimidation, including sexualised language
  • Sexual harassment or online sexual abuse
  • Vandalism
  • Theft
  • Fighting
  • Racist, sexist, homophobic or discriminatory behaviour
  • Possession of any prohibited items. These are:
  • Knives or weapons
  • Alcohol,  Illegal drugs, Tobacco and cigarette papers
  • Stolen items
  • Fireworks
  • Pornographic images
  • Any article a staff member reasonably suspects has been, or is likely to be, used to commit an offence, or to cause personal injury to, or damage to the property of, any person (including the pupil)

We will always consider whether a pupil exhibiting sexualised language, harassment or violence is evident. Any incidents of sexually harmful behaviour will be referred to the Designated Safeguarding Lead and will be addressed through the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, in conjunction with this policy.


Details of our academy’s approach to preventing and addressing bullying are set out in our anti-bullying strategy. (Refer to our published anti-bullying policy)

Bullying is defined as the repetitive, intentional harming of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It is not accepted and is considered to be serious misbehaviour. All allegations of bullying are taken seriously and are fully investigated. In cases where evidence is not found to substantiate claims of bullying, the relationships between pupils will continue to be monitored.

Type of bullying



Being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting


Hitting, kicking, pushing, taking another’s belongings, any use of violence


Racial taunts, graffiti, gestures


Explicit sexual remarks, display of sexual material, sexual gestures, unwanted physical attention, comments about sexual reputation or performance, or inappropriate touching

Direct or indirect verbal

Name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing


Bullying that takes place online, such as through social networking sites, messaging apps or gaming sites

Roles and responsibilities

The Academy Governing Council:

The academy governing council is responsible for monitoring this behaviour policy’s effectiveness and holding the Head of Academy to account for its implementation.

The Head of Academy:

The Head of Academy is responsible for reviewing and approving this behaviour policy.

The Head of Academy will ensure that the school environment encourages positive behaviour and that staff deal effectively with poor behaviour, and will monitor how staff implement this policy to ensure rewards and support are applied consistently.

Members of Staff:

Staff are responsible for:

  • Implementing the behaviour policy consistently
  • Modelling positive behaviour
  • Providing a personalised approach to the specific behavioural needs of particular pupils
  • Recording behaviour incidents

The senior leadership team, including the Pastoral Manager, will support staff in responding to behaviour incidents.


Parents are expected to:

  • Support their child in adhering to the pupil code of conduct
  • Inform the school of any changes in circumstances that may affect their child’s behaviour
  • Discuss any behavioural concerns with the class teacher promptly


Our school motto is: Aspire, Aim, Achieve. We want children to do this every day they are at school.

All of our expectations are underpinned by the Co-op ‘Ways of Being’.

Being Co-op is about creating an environment that celebrates difference. Somewhere both pupils and colleagues feel responsible, valued, empowered and trusted to do the right thing for each other and our community.

The four Ways of Being Co-op guide our future – no matter what we do, they’re how we do it. They are:

Our Pupil Behaviours help us define and explore each ‘Ways of Being’.

Vision and values

I care about the school and what we stand for. I show the values inside and outside of the academy.

Future focussed

I think about the future. I want to do well, and I want others to do well.

School improvement

I make sure that we all get better together. I know that my behaviour and actions have an impact on others.

Improving myself

I focus on getting better. I improve how much I can learn.

My words

I talk openly and honestly and know how my words help or hurt others.


I can be friends with anyone and treat everyone with respect.


I work cooperatively with others. I share my ideas and listen to others.

Driving innovation

I am confident using technology in a safe and sensible way.

Speaking up

I know my words can help others to be better. I speak up when I see bullying or poor behaviour.

Being a good friend and learner

I develop good friendships and work with my teachers, in order to understand and support others.

Championing Co-op

I represent my academy through my behaviour and my actions.

Helping others

I support the learning of others to promote a positive learning environment.

We use both the Pupil Code of Conduct below as well as Behaviour at Beckfield to remind children of the behaviour expectations at our school. Staff throughout the school reference these throughout the school day as reminders for the students and they shape our shared language around behaviour.

Pupil Code of Conduct

1.   We listen to each other and do what we’re asked to.

2. We look after our school and each other.

3. We show respect when we talk.

4. We always do our best and help others to learn and play.

5. We are safe and sensible.

Behaviour at Beckfield

  • Manners matter
  • Walking well
  • Line up leaders
  • Listening for learning
  • Team stop
  • Right thing, right time

Skills Builder

At Beckfield, we have a framework of skills that we work on in everything we do. From assemblies, to learning time, to play time and after school activities, these skills are threaded through everything we do. The skills are a key part of our strategy to raise children’s aspirations and give them confidence, self-esteem and firm foundations for their future. All of these things support children to make positive choices in the way they behave.


Rewards include (all are recorded on Class Charts, which communicates automatically to parents):

All rewards are equivalent to 1 Co-op Coin.

Awards are given for:

  • pupils fulfilling their leadership responsibilities (see section below)
  • showing the four ‘Ways of Being’ - showing you care, doing what matters most, succeeding together and being yourself, always.
  • Demonstrating positive play behaviour during lunchtimes
  • Taking responsibility for the learning environment by keeping it clean and tidy
  • for putting in exceptional effort with their learning during one day (‘Star of the day’)

Weekly Certificates

  • Pupils who have shown outstanding effort throughout the week will be celebrated in Friday’s celebration assembly, with a ‘Super Learner’ certificate.  
  • Pupils who have demonstrated the ‘Ways of Being’ in class throughout the week will be celebrated.  
  • Pupils who show excellent ‘talking’ skills throughout the week will be celebrated.  
  • Pupils with the most Co-op Coins overall in one week will be celebrated.  

Teachers will explain why these pupils have been successful, including using the positive talk types.

Additional weekly rewards

  • Children who are identified by the lunchtime supervisors for positive behaviour will be selected to sit on the Golden Table during Friday lunch time. This experience will include a fine dining experience and a special adult guest. They will also be rewarded with a Co-op coin each.
  • The cleaning team will identify a class each week for the Cleanest Classroom award. They will be rewarded with a Co-op coin each and be given a special trophy to take back to class.
  • The Head of Academy will award a ‘Headteacher’ award to one child each week, based on exceptional behaviour seen during walks around school and interacting with children that week. Assistant Headteachers will also issue awards in the same way.
  • There will be certificates awarded to two children in each class every week for showing learning behaviours associated with our focus skill on the Skills Builder programme. The focus skill changes every fortnight and this is announced during Monday morning assembly. Children are encouraged to demonstrate efforts in this skill and are recognised in front of their peers in classrooms each Friday.

Termly Rewards for each class

  • Termly Super Learner
  • Termly Terrific Talker
  • Termly Ways of Being Advocate
  • Termly overall Co-op Coin Champion

Annual Rewards for each class

  • Super Learning of the Year
  • Terrific Talker of the Year
  • Ways of Being Advocate
  • Overall Co-op Coin Champion

Accumulation of rewards:

Co-op Coins

Pupils can spend these at the online Co-op shop with items ranging from 10 to 500 coins.

Items from the Co-op shop are displayed in the hall to motivate pupils.

Whole school award: if the target of 70,000 Co-op Coins is reached, a whole school award will be received (Summer Fun Day including bouncing castle and outdoor activities). Weekly assembly to refer to the coin-o-meter on display in the hall.

House Points

Children and staff have been assigned a ‘house’ from the following: Bluebells, Evergreen, Daffodils and Roses, with the theme ‘Blossom at Beckfield’. Children earn points for their house for going above and beyond in all that they do.

Behaviour management

To encourage positive behaviour, all members of staff will:

  • Build positive relationships with all pupils and parents/carers
  • Be positive and notice/recognise good behaviour
  • Look for Early Warning Signs of distress in children and intervene accordingly
  • Be an exemplary role model in every aspect of their work and communication
  • Always model good manners and insist that pupils show these too
  • Remain calm in all situations
  • Ensure all rewards are delivered and restorative practice is completed
  • Be well prepared for all lessons to reduce transition times
  • Ensure that work is matched to pupils’ needs and levels of attainment
  • Have clear routines which are adhered to consistently
  • Ensure pupils line up smartly and move through the school in a calm and orderly way
  • Insist that all pupils demonstrate active listening when adults or peers are speaking
  • Investigate reports of misbehaviour fairly and thoroughly
  • Approach every incident of misbehaviour in a supportive way, using the handbook as a guide (see below).


Pupils have two opportunities each day to practise meditation, after play time and after lunch. The purpose of this practice is to teach children self-regulation and self-mastery. This is a time of stillness and silence so it is vital that all those in the classroom give the meditation session their full attention.

Leadership Opportunities

Class teachers ensure that ‘monitor’ roles (classroom leaders) are assigned within the classroom and are on a rota basis so that all pupils are a monitor (classroom leader) at some point during the year. For pupils with SEND who have a specific need, it may be appropriate for them to have a monitor role throughout the year. This will be identified in their pupil support plans.

There are also leadership roles which give pupils the opportunity to make a contribution beyond their classroom:

Co-op Young Leaders - pupils from Y5 and Y6 are trained to act as ambassadors for the academy at internal and external events and to lead activities during break and lunch.

Play leaders - pupils from Y5 and Y6 are trained to lead games and activities at break and lunch times.

Lunchtime leaders - Y6 pupils help with lunch trolleys and playing with children in Reception and Nursery.

Assembly leaders - pupils from Y6 ensure the hall is set up for assembly and the certificates/prizes are ready to be distributed.

Co-op Coins will be awarded for pupils taking on leadership roles and fulfilling their responsibilities.

Restorative Approaches

Members of staff will always try to intervene with low-level misbehaviour at the earliest point. Staff do this by getting to know their pupils and seeing the ‘early warning signs’ or knowing their triggers. Staff will try to diffuse a situation before it arises. The adult will then use positive language to let the child know they have made the right choice.

In a case of challenging behaviour, staff will use therapeutic language (which is reflective and affective) to regulate, relate and repair behaviour.

By using restorative approaches, our day-to-day interventions are most likely to reflect the nature of the class and the individual.

These interventions may include, but are not limited to:

  • Planned support strategies (which will be discussed between staff and parents) such as; sensory breaks, calming strategies, time with key workers and mentoring
  • Verbal or non-verbal communication to demonstrate empathy with a pupil’s mood, or feelings
  • Positive reinforcement
  • Giving choices to a pupil
  • Consistent modelling of positive behaviours from all staff
  • Distraction in the form of a short activity or task
  • Option for pupils to remove themselves from a situation where frustration, stress or anxieties may become increased
  • Positive choice cards / sticker charts

Guidance for restorative conversations

If possible, talk to pupils involved separately initially.

This conversation should take place with the adult who witnessed or received the information about misbehaviour.


Question: What happened?

Purpose: Discuss the unacceptable behaviour - give the opportunity for them to say how they feel aggrieved/justified in their behaviour


Question: How did you feel?

Purpose: Ensure the pupil is given time to reflect on their emotions


Question: What would you change?

Purpose: To think about what could be prevented next time the same feelings occur


Question:  Next time, can you…?

Purpose: Understand the impact on self and others and the responsibility they have towards others.


Question: What do you think you need to do to make things right?

Purpose: Ask what could be done to help the pupil.


There are times when formal interventions may be necessary and these may be implemented due to the consideration of incidents that occur. It is important that the context, antecedents and pupil age are considered. Formal interventions may include, but are not limited to:

  • Time out with the Class Teacher, Pastoral Manager or a member of the Senior Leadership Team (Pupils will be spoken to about their behaviour, ensuring that all incidents have been investigated and dealt with fairly whilst giving pupils the time to reflect on their behaviour and take responsibility for their actions. Pupils will also reflect on how they could behave differently in future)
  • Meeting with parents to discuss plans to improve behaviour
  • The implementation of a report card (The headteacher will meet with parents/carer before the report card is put in place. A pupil with a report card must visit the headteacher (or other senior leader) just before dinner time and just before the end of the day to reflect on their behaviour and plan for the next session/day. A report card will be in place for two weeks before a review)
  • Suspension (fixed term exclusion): a period of time agreed with parents/carers after consultation, allowing for reflection and contemplations. This measure is to be used for serious or persistent issues of unwarranted behaviour (please see the exclusions policy for explicit explanations and examples of what behaviours may constitute a suspension).

Early Years

Children in the early years who breach the Code of Conduct will have time with the Early Years teacher, immediately after an incident to reflect on their behaviour and what changes could be made to prevent further incidents.


Unwanted disruptions (as per the Behaviour Handbook) are recorded as S1 (Support 1) on Class Charts. The member of staff who managed and supported this behaviour will record this.

If a serious adverse behaviour incident occurs, including (but not limited to) assault, the damage of property, significant disruption that affects the safety and well-being of others, the use of racist, homophobic, sexist language or sexually harmful behaviour, the member of staff who investigated or witnessed an incident will record it on Class Charts as an S2 (Support 2). This will also be recorded on CPOMs as a safeguarding concern and parents will be contacted by the Pastoral Manager or a member of SLT. Further appropriate actions will be taken, inline with this policy and the Safeguarding & Child Protection policy.

These incidents will be monitored by SLT at least half-termly and reported to governors.

Parental Contact

Parents are informed if their child has received support for misbehaviour. This will be communicated via Class Charts, in person or on the phone. At parent consultation meetings, teachers will share the behaviour data for each child. Parents of all children involved will always be contacted directly when there is a serious misbehaviour incident.

Parents are informed about the weekly award winners via the academy newsletter. Parents of certificate winners each week are invited to a whole-school assembly to watch their child receive the award.

If a member of staff becomes concerned about a pattern with or escalation of a pupil’s behaviour, the class teacher will discuss with SLT about inviting parents in to discuss this in more detail as a proactive measure.

Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions

This policy links with Co-op Academies Trust exclusions policy. Suspensions (fixed term exclusions) and permanent exclusions are only used as a very last resort to address incidents of serious adverse behaviour and/or when the support in this policy and the supporting handbook has not been effective.

Behaviour linked to equalities

Derogatory language or behaviour in relation to race, sexuality, gender, disability or any other protected characteristic is not tolerated and is dealt with as serious misbehaviour (see earlier definition). Our curriculum is designed to challenge stereotypes, and foster pupils’ appreciation of diversity and their respect for all.

In line with Leeds City Council guidelines, any incident involving a hate element must be reported directly to Stop Hate UK using the referral form.

Children with Special Educational Needs

Co-op Academy Beckfield is aware of the links between the SEND Code of Practice, our SEND processes and the whole school behaviour system outlined in this policy. Some special educational needs may pose a barrier or difficulty when applying the requirements of this policy, and require suitable adaptations, for example pupils with social, emotional, mental health difficulties and diagnosis such as Autism. We recognise our legal duty under the Equality Act (2010) to ensure reasonable adjustments are made that are personalised to the pupil’s strengths and needs, and regularly reviewed.

Reasonable adjustments can take the form of how the behaviour policy expectations are explained to children with SEND, so that they understand what they should and should not do. For some pupils, sessions will be broken down into small chunks (e.g. ten minutes) with positive reinforcement given for pupils following the Code of Conduct.

In conjunction with the class teacher, the SENDCo will evaluate a pupil who exhibits challenging behaviour to determine whether there is a possibility of the pupil having underlying needs that are not currently being met.

Where required, strategies will be put into place to address and support, and reviewed using the graduated approach of assess, plan, do, review cycle. Liaison with external agencies will take place where necessary. Where appropriate, pupils who struggle to manage their own behaviour will be given specific, measurable targets (e.g. I will remain in my seat during lessons; I will put my hand up to speak; I will use only kind words). Some pupils will have an individual reward chart which acknowledges positive behaviour over short periods of time (e.g. 5 or 10 mins). These rewards will then accumulate for pupils to earn the Co-op Coins in line with their peers.

Where pupils display behaviours which could put themselves, others or the order of the academy at risk, positive handling plans and individual risk assessments will be put in place. Any restrictive physical intervention will be recorded in the bound book and communicated to parents/carers.

Transition and new pupils

Transition between year groups and phases is carefully planned to ensure that there is consistency between classes and pupils are secure in behaviour and academic standards before the summer holidays. Pupils spend a day with their new teacher in July and teachers meet together to share important information about pupils. Therefore pupils return in September knowing what is expected of them. The teacher handing over a class completes the transition form. Any pupils with SEND who have behavioural needs will have written support plans and may have individual risk assessments and positive handling plans. All such documents will be handed over to the new teacher.

For pupils arriving at the academy (including those after the early years), senior leaders will speak to parents/carers and the previous setting to ascertain whether the pupil has any behavioural needs.

Training and embedding the approach

Our staff are provided with training on managing behaviour at Beckfield, including relational based approaches, de-escalation techniques and proper use of restraint, as part of their induction process. Behaviour management will also form part of continuing professional development at least on a termly basis. We recognise that lunchtime staff manage pupils’ behaviour at the least structured point in the day. Therefore, intensive training is provided for this group of staff.

A staff training log is kept by SLT.

Embedding the approach

It is vital that all members of the academy community understand and support the implementation of the policy. To this end, we ensure the following strategies are in place:

  • the use of ‘Talk Types’ to give pupils and staff a shared language for discussing communication
  • the Pupil Code of Conduct is displayed in all rooms of the academy, in the playground and adults have a copy on their lanyards
  • assemblies to celebrate and to reinforce pupils’ knowledge of behaviour and consequences (including through well chosen stories, parables etc)

Monitoring / analysis of behaviour

The Pastoral Manager will analyse behavioural incidents on a fortnightly basis to evaluate whether the policy is being implemented appropriately and whether any pupils require additional support.

The behaviour lead will undertake a half-termly review of behaviour data across the school. This will be used to identify patterns of behaviour and evaluate the effectiveness of this policy.

Reporting to governors will take place on a termly basis within the ‘Headteacher report’.

Links with other policies

We understand that changes in pupils’ behaviour and/or displays of challenging or withdrawn behaviour could be an indicator of harm. This policy is to be considered in close connection to the academy’s Safeguarding and Child Protection policy.

This policy has direct links with policies for Anti-Bullying, Online Safety, Relationships and Sex Education, P.S.H.E., Special Educational Needs, Equality, Care and Control and Health and Safety. Any supply teacher who does not work in school on a regular basis will be given a guide to the school containing a simplified version of this policy. For further questions, they will be asked to consult a teacher with regard to any queries over behaviour.

For a practical guide to Beckfield’s behaviour support system, please refer to the Supporting Behaviour Handbook 2023-24.

Co-op Academy Beckfield Behaviour Policy 2023-24