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Our governors are responsible for the management of the business of the academy.

This includes adopting an annual plan and budget, monitoring the academies by the use of targets and budgets and senior staff appointments. Find out more about our Co-op Academies Trust governance, on our trust website.

If you would like to contact our Governing Body please bring a letter to Main Reception marked ‘Confidential for Governors’ along with your contact details.

Or post a letter marked ‘To contact the Governing Body, please write to ‘FAO Chair of Governors, Co-op Academy Beckfield, Tyersal Walk, Bradford BD4 8ER’

This will then be passed on to the Governing Body who will get in contact with you.

Our Academy Governing Council

Caroline Watkiss

Full Name

Caroline Watkiss

Date of appointment


Term of office


Category of Governor


Appointed by

By virtue of appointment as Headteacher


Pay Committee

Declarations of Interest

5 March 2021 to present:

Husband a Director of Digital Mark Agency Ltd

Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2022-2023


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2022-2023

Pay Committee: 1/1


Ian Featherstone

Vice Chair of Governors

Ian is a very experienced governor having been chair for many years at Co-op Academy Priesthorpe. He is chair of the finance and resources sub-committee.

Full Name

Ian Featherstone

Date of appointment

21 March 2022

Term of office

4 years 

Category of Governor

Community, Interim Chair of Governors

Appointed by

Appointed by the Academy Governing Council


Pay Committee

Declarations of Interest

1 July 2017 to present:

Trustee at Calverley Local History Centre


1 April 2018 to present:

Governor at Co-op Academy Beckfield


20 January 2020 to present:

Trustee at Music4Mission


1 July 2021 to present:

Governor at Co-op Academy Parkland

Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2022-2023


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2022-2023

Pay Committee: 1/1

Karen Booth

Full Name

Karen Booth

Date of appointment

1 November 2022

Term of office

4 years 

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointed by the sponsor



Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2022-2023


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2022-2023



Katy Brodigan

Full Name

Katy Brodigan

Date of appointment

14 November 2022

Term of office

4 years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Elected by staff



Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2022-2023


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2022-2023



Linda Walton

Linda is a co-opted governor and was on the governing body prior to the school becoming an academy in December 2017.

Full Name

Linda Walton

Date of appointment

1 December 2021

Term of office

4 years 

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointed by the Academy Governing Council


Pay Committee

Declarations of Interest

24 March 2023 to present:

Governor at Co-op Academy Smithies Moor 

Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2022-2023


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2022-2023

Pay Committee: 1/1


Neil Jobling

Full Name

Neil Jobling

Date of appointment

3 March 2022

Term of office

4 years 

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Elected by parents



Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2022-2023


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2022-2023



Romy Joseph

Full Name

Romy Joseph

Date of appointment

12 October 2022

Term of office

4 years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Elected by staff



Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2022-2023


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2022-2023




Past Governors 

Fiona Parkinson

Full Name Fiona Parkinson
Date Appointment 10/12/2019
Category of Governor Parent
Appointed by Appointed by election
Sub-committees  None
Declarations of Interest None
Attendance at Local Governing Body Meetings in 2021/22 0/2
Attendance at Sub-committee Meetings in 2021/22 N/A
Date of Resignation 25.02.22

Janice McKinley

Janice is a co-opted and our SEND Link governor. She has had a career in local authority with responsibility for special educational needs provision.

“Hello, my name is Janice McKinley. I became a governor at Coop Academy Beckfield in February this year. I am on the Teaching and Learning Sub Committee with a link role of SEND.  My career has focused on Disability awareness, SEN and I am passionate about inclusion.

I have 2 married daughters and cared for my brain injured husband for many years.

I enjoy travelling, walking and reading. This summer I travelled to the central desert in Australia and walked around Uluru!

I have worked in SEN and early years education for Bradford Council as a Portage home visitor, trainer, Area SENCO and as the Portage Coordinator for the last 12 years. I loved my job particularly seeing the progress children with additional needs can make when the environment and curriculum is differentiated to meet their needs. I retired in July feeling sad to leave my team but happy to start new adventures!

I am looking forward to working together with everyone at Co-op Academy Beckfield”

Full Name

Janice McKinley

Date of appointment

13 March 2022

Term of office

4 years 

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointed by the Academy Governing Council



Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2023-2024


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2022-2023


Date of Resignation 19 July 2024

Chris Hyland

Full Name

Christopher Hyland

Date of appointment

20 February 2022

Term of office

4 years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Elected by parents



Declarations of Interest

23 February 2015 to present:

Teaching Assistant at Holybrook Primary School

Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 202-2023-2024


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2022-2023


Date of Resignation 26/03/2024

Susan Dobbs

Full Name Susan Dobbs
Date Appointment 10/01/22
Category of Governor Ex-Officio
Appointed by N/A
Sub-committees  Finance
Declarations of Interest None
Attendance at Academy Governing Council Meetings in 2021/22 1/3
Attendance at Sub-committee Meetings in 2021/22 1/2
Date of Resignation 16/05/2022

Becky Fleet

Full Name Becky Fleet
Date Appointment 28/01/21
Category of Governor Staff
Appointed by Appointed by election
Sub-committees  None
Declarations of Interest None
Attendance at Academy Governing Council Meetings in 2021/22 1/3
Attendance at Sub-committee Meetings in 2021/22 N/A
Date of Resignation 16/05/2022

Sabeena Domun

Sabeena is a senior manager in the Co-op. She has expertise in governance and community work.

“A solicitor by trade, I’ve been working in Governance and covered School Appeal hearing for many years, so being a Governor at Beckfield Academy means I can put my experience into practice and start making a difference for the children as the Co-op Link Governor, through our Co-op values and principles. In my spare time, I enjoy taking part in triathlons and spending time with friends and family.”

Full Name Sabeena Domun 
Date Appointment 07/02/18
Category of Governor Sponsor, Chair 
Appointed by An employee of the Co-op appointed by the sponsor
Sub-committees None
Declarations of Interest None
Attendance at Academy Governing Council Meetings in 2021/22 2/3
Attendance at Sub-committee Meetings in 2021/22 N/A
Date of Resignation 22/07/2022 

Janine Wood

Full Name

Janine Wood

Date of appointment

1 September 2021

Term of office

4 years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointed by the sponsor



Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2022-2023


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2022-2023


Date of resignation

9 September 2022